Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні

Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні
Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні
Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні
Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні
Анатолій Солов'яненко - Італійські арії та пісні

Anatoly Solovianenko is a very well known name in Ukraine and the CIS. For about 30 years he performed all over the world on the stages of New York, Tokyo, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Sydney, Moscow, London, etc. He sang at over 100 world’s top opera stages and concert stages too numerous to count. His repertoire includes 18 operas including Donizetti's “ Lucia Di Lammermour”; Verdi’s “Rigoletto”, “Traviata”,
“Trovatore”; Puchini’s “Tosca”; Tschaikovski’s “Eugene Onegin”; to name a few. He performs over 100 arias and songs that are collected in a dozen full time recordings and numerous videos. A major motion picture was based on his life story. He has a great number of awards from various governments and in recognition of his contribution to the Ukrainian culture was awarded an Honorary Cross of the President of Ukraine.
Anatoly Solovianenko was born in Donetsk, Ukraine were he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute and instructed classes during daytime while studying vocals in the evenings. It took ten years of intense studies of vocals, piano, Italian and other disciplines before he ventured to the big stage. Very shortly he joined as a soloist Kyiv Opera & Ballet House and polished his talent for two years at the world renowned Milan’s La Scala. Since then he crisscrossed the world many times on the concert and opera tours overwhelming the audience with the power and beauty of his voice. He was the first Ukrainian tenor to perform on the stage of the prestigious Metropolitan Opera of N.Y.
The talent of Anatoly Solovianenko is a rare one and only a handful of tenors his caliber are given to the world. Everyone in the family starting from the grandfather of the singer loved to sing. Not surprisingly even the surname Solovianenko comes from the word “nightingale” in Ukrainian and Anatoly Solovianenko certainly is the Nightingale of Ukraine.


Арії з опер італійських композиторів - Запис 1975 року

01. Дж.Пуччини - "Турандот" - Ария Калафа 2:43
02. Дж.Пуччини - " Тоска" - Ария Каварадосси 2:53
03. Дж.Пуччини - "Богема" - Речитатив и ария Рудольфа 3:40 Che gelida manina
04. Р.Леонкавалло - "Паяцы" - Речитатив и ариозо Канио 3:40
05. П.Масканьи - "Сельская честь" - Прощание Туридду 3:48
06. Ф.Чилеа - "Арлезианка" - Плач Федерико 4:17
07. У.Джордано - "Андрэ Шенье" - Импровизация Шенье 3:40 L'improvisso" Un di all azurro spazio from Andrea Chenier
08. Дж.Верди - "Трубадур" - Стретта Манрико 1:40
09. Дж.Верди - "Аида" - Речитатив и романс Радамеса 4:56
10. Дж.Верди - "Риголетто" - Песенка Герцога 2:26

час 31.03

  Італійські пісні, записані з Національним оркестром народних інструментів України

11. Н.Валенте - Л.Бовио "Страсть" 2:55
12. Е.Нутийле - Ф.Руссо "Море" 3:05
13. С.Гамбарделла - Г.Оттавиано "Морячок" 3:15 O'marenariello - l'autore è Salvatore Gambardella
14. Е.Куртис - Г.Куртис "Вернись в Сорренто" 3:31
15. Е.Куртис - К.Бовио "Не плачь" 2:55
16. С.Вовио - Б.Керубини "Мама" 3:45
17. Неаполитанская песня "Санта Лючия" 4:12
18. Е.Капуа - В.Русср "О, Мари" 2:25 Oh Mari - E. di Capua
19. Е.Биксио - В,Керубини "Песнь любви" 3:36
20. Е.Каннио - В.Калифано "Влюбленный солдат" 2:28
21. Р.Фальво - Е.Фуско "Скажите девушки" 3:04

час 33.11

Видавець: Караван CD, made in Germany, 1996, KCD 015